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Showing posts with the label payment gateway

Sharding an Existing Payment Gateway Transaction Table: A Complete Guide

In payment gateway systems, the transaction table often grows rapidly, leading to performance bottlenecks. One effective way to scale a transactional database is   sharding   — splitting the database into smaller, more manageable pieces based on a shard key. In this guide we will walk through the process of sharding an existing transaction table in PostgreSQL, explaining key considerations, risks, and two popular sharding approaches:   row-based   and   table-based . Key Considerations and Risks Before diving into the implementation of sharding, it’s important to understand the key considerations and risks associated with this approach: Considerations: Sharding Key : The selection of a shard key is crucial. A good shard key ensures even distribution of data, while also aligning with the most frequent query patterns. For payment transactions,  transaction_date  or  customer_id  can be used. Database Complexity : Sharding increases the complexi...

REST API Best Practices for Payment Gateway Design

Designing a REST API for a payment gateway requires more than just functionality. It requires a carefully structured and consistent approach to ensure that developers can understand, use, and integrate with your API efficiently. Here, we’ll cover REST API best practices specifically tailored for a payment gateway API, emphasizing clarity, usability, and security. Use Nouns for Resources A well-named API uses nouns to represent resources rather than actions. In a payment gateway API, endpoints should focus on entities such as  payments ,  transactions ,  customers , and  invoices . For example: Do :  POST /transactions  to initiate a transaction. Avoid :  POST /makePayment  since it implies an action rather than a resource. Using nouns clarifies the intent of each endpoint and aligns with RESTful principles. Use Consistent Pluralization for Collections Consistency in naming conventions improves the intuitiveness of your API. For collections, use pl...