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How to Identify an IT Professional in 10 Seconds (Backed by Humor)

Ever walked into an IT department and felt like you entered an alternate universe? From hoodie-wearing coders to stressed-out execs, every IT role has a distinct   vibe . Here’s your quick guide to identifying them in   10 seconds or less . 🌱 THE BEGINNERS: WHERE IT ALL STARTS 🍼  The Intern  ( a.k.a The Wide-Eyed Newborn ) 🔍  How to spot them:  Staring at their screen, pretending to type, panicking inside. 💬  What they’ll say:  “Wait… so prod means production?” 😱  Vibe check:  Will break something within the first week. 👶  The Fresh Grad Developer  ( a.k.a Stack Overflow’s Most Loyal User ) 🔍  How to spot them:  Tabs filled with tutorials, sweating over their first ticket. 💬  What they’ll say:  “I pushed to master by accident… am I fired?” 🤡  Vibe check:  Still thinks all meetings are important. 👨‍💻 THE CORE TECH ARMY: KEEPING THE MACHINES ALIVE 🧑‍💻  The Developer  ( a.k.a. T...
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A Beginner’s Guide to ISO 8601–2: Extending Date and Time Standards

If you’ve worked with dates and times in software development, you’ve likely encountered ISO 8601, the international standard for representing date and time formats. But have you heard about ISO 8601–2? This extension builds upon ISO 8601 by adding new functionalities to better handle complex date and time scenarios. In this guide, we’ll break down ISO 8601–2 in a beginner-friendly way, covering its purpose, key features, and how it differs from the original ISO 8601 standard. What is ISO 8601–2? ISO 8601–2 is an extension of ISO 8601 that introduces enhanced features for handling date and time representations. It provides additional structuring rules and allows for more flexibility in describing uncertain or approximate dates, recurring events, and segmented time intervals. Why Was ISO 8601–2 Introduced? While ISO 8601 is widely used, it has limitations when it comes to: Handling imprecise or uncertain dates (e.g., historical records with estimated years) Defining recurring events (e....

A Beginner's Guide to ISO 8601–1: Understanding Date and Time Formatting

In the world of software development, handling date and time can be tricky. Different regions use different formats, leading to confusion and errors. That’s where   ISO 8601–1   comes in — a universal standard for representing date and time. In this guide, we’ll break down  ISO 8601–1 , explore its format, and provide Kotlin and Java examples to help you implement it in your applications. What is ISO 8601–1? ISO 8601–1 provides a  structured format for date-time representation  to ensure consistency across systems. Standard Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss±hh:mm Example: 2024-02-26T14:30:00+08:00 Breaking Down the Format: YYYY-MM-DD  → Date ( 2024-02-26 ) T  → Separator between date and time HH:mm:ss  → Time in 24-hour format ( 14:30:00 ) ±hh:mm  → Time zone offset ( +08:00 ) Comparing Java/Kotlin Date-Time Classes Before we dive into formatting and parsing, let’s compare the different date-time classes available in  java.time : Date-Time Cla...

A Chaotic Mess: Why Some Software Projects Are Doomed to Fail

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