Embarking on a tech career is like boarding a rollercoaster — exciting, slightly terrifying, and full of unexpected twists. With nearly a decade of experience in the industry, I’ve navigated the ups and downs, learned invaluable lessons, and grown both professionally and personally. This article aims to provide junior developers with timeless career advice that can help them build a successful and fulfilling career in technology. Chapter 1: Laying the Foundation Choose Your Specialization Wisely As a junior developer, you’ll encounter numerous paths, from front-end development to back-end development, mobile apps, and beyond. It’s like a buffet where everything looks delicious — but you can’t eat it all. Explore these areas early to find what resonates with you. Whether you choose to be a generalist or specialize, make sure your decision aligns with your interests and market demand. No one wants to be the last one at the party without a ride home. Master the Fundamentals Understanding ...